Approach to Information Disclosure

Approach to Sustainability-related Information Disclosure

DENTSU SOKEN’s approach and efforts related to sustainability management are described in detail on this Sustainability webpage. GRI Standards and other global sustainability information disclosure frameworks were referenced for reporting purposes.

Reporting Period

Business activities in fiscal 2022 (January 1–December 31, 2022)

  • Notes:
    Information after January 2023 is included as necessary to report the latest status of the DENTSU SOKEN Group. Some activities and initiatives prior to this are also included.

Reporting Scope

Although the scope of this report covers business activities conducted by DENTSU SOKEN and its consolidated subsidiaries, it mainly focuses on DENTSU SOKEN non-consolidated activities since the ratio of consolidated to non-consolidated sales is about 1.15.

  • Notes:
    Consolidated and non-consolidated sales use JGAAP.

Report Cycle

Annual report updated every year.